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Impossible, surely....

By Michael J. Smith on Monday April 12, 2010 11:44 PM

... Surely? She must be even crazier than Rehnquist, judging -- no pun intended -- by that outfit.

Still, I'm hoping. Anything that tends to make the Supreme Court more ridiculous than it already is has my vote.

I wanted to include a picture of Clarence Thomas, but all the ones I could find were just too cruel.

Comments (3)

How about a coke can with a pubic hair on it? That would be a nice representation of Justice (Uncle) Thomas.


Wow, where'd you find that foto of Sears? She looks slightly older than the foto they're using at Gawker:


...which makes her look about eighteen, like she'd stolen the robe for her senior yearbook portrait.

And, what's with the stripes? Did she steal that from Rehnquist, who stole it from an old Gilbert & Sullivan character?

Love that absurdly oversized bowtie, too. What's the deal with that?

I've also heard that her Wikipedia(spit) page describes her as "relatively liberal". I assume I can take this to mean "tepid corporate centrist".


Count on John Nichols to plump for the relative liberal/tepid corporate centrist.

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