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By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday September 19, 2007 10:36 AM

Here's John Kerry's comment on the kid who got Tasered the other day for heckling His Wooditude:
I was not aware that a taser was used until after I left the building.... I hope that neither the student nor any of the police were injured.
How a pack of cops might have gotten injured while Tasering a solitary undergraduate does not clearly appear, nor is it obvious what reason, if any, Kerry had to fear such an eventuality. (Perhaps Kerry's assessment of the intelligence and competence of the average cop is secretly rather close to my own.) Somehow this carefully calibrated and utterly gratutious split-the-difference approach seems thoroughly iconic.

You know the old joke -- a reactionary believes that women are inferior to men. A radical thinks that women are equal to men. A liberal thinks the truth lies somewhere in between.

Comments (2)


we hardly need wonder why
any one below the phd level
if "gut thinking" this thru
would ever
choose a kerry run amerika
even a blood thirsty ear clipper
and gender twister like ex mayor g
or for that matter
an over tight rubber asshole
like senator McHanoi-Hilton


why do i imagine
the cheers in that video
are coming from kosniki
u know
the cheers
as the nut ball
is keystone cop removed
by a gaggle
of shapeless campus security types

of course
pre taser cheers

allows pre taser

that taser oh holy markos was that aweful eh ???

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