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Heartless sentimentalists: more on Moore

By Owen Paine on Monday August 6, 2007 02:00 PM

I love Michael Moore for many reasons, but... just saw Sicko a few days ago. It's now linked in my mind with the Pat Tillman cult. Father Smiff's terrible swift sword takes a big hunk out of Mikey, too, I fear.

Sure, you vanguard progs ho-hummed through his essay on comparative medical systems. But attend to this grave sin... slobbering over "our" carnal preterite.

Take that episode of the battered monstrosity cab ridden to the sidewalk shelter by medi giant Fuehrer-Imminente. Its creator must either have the stone heart of Todd Browning, or at least assume we common folks all do. Wilde's Little-Nell weepers of the world, unite!

Graphic grotesques as a way to reach an audience -- this rampant horror-sentimentality -- is a political obscenity. To use it like a sprinkle of sex scenes to goose up your "story line" -- Well, I'll say no more.

Comments (2)


this is the repeat
of the bulk of a comment on sicko

adds some salve for the scorn

my once and future
favorite ball of
cookie dough

michael moore

shit he's always in danger
of falling into this abyss

slobbering horde syndrome

may take him away yet.......

its mr moore's keen
sense of the incongruous
sweeping to the rescue
that most often saves him

i hope he doesn't mutate further
....no better ....petra-fy
into a stone hengey
cult site
for the pop liberal conscience

ahh the morbidity !!!!

action plan

lets not
leave his shameless
simple simon
fellow feeling to run amok ......


"Take that episode of the battered monstrosity cab ridden to the sidewalk shelter by medi giant Fuehrer-Imminente. Its creator must either have the stone heart of Todd Browning, or at least assume we common folks all do. "

Egad, I cant remember this scene! My choice for the worst aesthetic/political decision was the episode of transporting the supposed 9-11 victims (some of them dubious even to my eyes) to Cuba. Course I loved the scenes in Cuba, but still the pretext of the episode was the political equivalent of a mangled metaphor.

Still again, and disregarding the actual message, or shortcomings of it, Michael Moore has achieved Everyman status for a good part of the left and center, and that's not a small achievement.

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