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Fester Bestertester

By Owen Paine on Monday December 4, 2006 11:43 AM

To read Josh Frank, you'd think Montana senator-elect John Tester was a cross between ole Bill Bryan and a grizzly bear:
A State Senator and organic farmer by trade.... When I say he's not really even a Democrat, that may be a bit of an understatement. Tester is essentially an NRA approved neo-populist with libertarian tendencies who wants to immediately redeploy troops from Iraq as well as repeal the PATRIOT Act.... [H]is position on international trade is more in line with the protesters who shut down Seattle in 1999 than with the Democratic Leadership Council.
Smitten? I'd say so... if politics is the romance of the possible.

Well, maybe that's unfair, but Frank sure does gush a bit, don't he now? "Organic farmer" is my best of show. I had Josh figured for a cooler head. Personally, your reporter here had Tester specifically in mind while recently disparaging this new breed of rocky mountain high plains class wranglers. My crystal ball shows me a corporate stooge under the Marlboro Country turnout. But we shall see, we shall see.

Comments (8)

js paine:

hoss cartwright eh??
check out that flat iron head

this is even worse then i thought now i think further

hell i can smell
his phoney wall street grease paint from here

These dimwitted pwoggies really are grasping at straws if they're going to count on this guy. Tester'll have Kosnikis hoeing his pea patch and paying for the privilege.

Alan, I don't quite get Frank's giddiness about Tester, either. But to call him just another Kosnik isn't really fair. He wrote the pieces on Counterpunch that eventually became Left Out: How Liberals Did Bush's Work For Him. His general tone on Brickburner is staunchly anti-Dem and anti-war. And he had links to all the major GP candidates in the recent election, which is not something that even the Dem-pwogs I like and visit regularly could be bothered to do.

Nobody's perfect, though... :/

Alan, I don't quite get Frank's giddiness about Tester, either. But to call him just another Kosnik isn't really fair. He wrote the pieces on Counterpunch that eventually became Left Out: How Liberals Did Bush's Work For Him. His general tone on Brickburner is staunchly anti-Dem and anti-war. And he had links to all the major GP candidates in the recent election, which is not something that even the Dem-pwogs I like and visit regularly could be bothered to do.

Nobody's perfect, though... :/


Frank's generally a stalwart, actually. But one gets so tired of being negative all the time -- it's only human, every so often, to go home, impulsively, with an attractive stranger. Not that Tester is so attractive, but you see my point. Allowances must be made for human nature.

Frank will soon have a melancholy morning-after moment, as we all have, and then he'll be back on the team. I'm quite sure of it.

js paine:

i agree Frank will come home...

that is unless he gets "the call"

"he call"..... BY greatness to greatness

say a " phoniary consult "
from maybe even ole flat iron here
"i appreciated that piece on me ....son
maybe u can hep me with a few tough..."

recognition turns heads

clinton used the personal consult call
like a master

'course such oral cons came easy to him
eh what ??

my man dick nixon
got to be frog prince for a moment..more then once even
after "the first time"
the poor old jowly ghoul
slow danced his foxy aide
like he was a spell bound teen dreamer

Speaking as a Montanan, (though not an organic farmer, unfortunately) I've got to say that Tester's campaign was brilliant. You see that picture there in front of a tractor... things like that were commonplace, along with him throwing hay bails and his name pasted on the side of manly semi trucks.

That's the "Western Democrat" that people are so enamored with. His appeal crosses the aisles because the same people who believe that 4 wheel drive in their pickup trucks prevent them from sliding on ice vote for him. He appeals to stupid people, and the rest of us just voted for him because he's not Conrad Burns.

Josh Frank:

In my own defense, I don't think Tester will radically change the face of the Democratic Party. But the move Dems are making in the interior west is a direct challenge to the DLC and the Washington Establishment. Tester has a long way to go from being perfect. I actually like that isn't a predictable lefty, or even a pwog. He's a populist libertarian. If one can be such a thing. He promises to not meet with lobbyists without posting the info on his site. He wants to do his own small part to help clean up Washington. That's laudable.

Aside from that, Tester isn't going to change policy in the Middle East (he supports Israel). And that's a huge problem. But we shouldn't discount his campaign, indeed my point was that indy candidates need to take populist Hightower type positions in these states to gain traction.

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