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Cheap gas, that's the ticket

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday August 30, 2006 02:56 PM

Political mastermind Chris Weigant admiringly reports:
... the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recently sent out a memo urging ... candidates to ...

"Demonstrate your dedication to fighting for middleclass families by clearly explaining how you will work to keep down the price of gas if elected to Congress. Hold an event at a gas station or other logical location where you call for a real commitment to bringing down gas prices and pledge that, as a member of Congress, you will fight for families in your district, not the oil and gas executives for which this Republican Congress has fought so hard." This is a brilliant tactic which should be repeated immediately nationwide. The upcoming Labor Day weekend would be the perfect time to stage these events. Not everybody pays attention to politics, but almost everybody buys gas. And nobody's happy with the current price.

There we go; the Dems are going to be The Party Of Cheap Gasoline. I must remember this one the next time some Sierra Club pwog tells me that the Democrats will be better for "the environment."

Comments (3)

js paine:

now if some dem cries seize the refineries and the storage tanks
that sort of jacobin move
i'd go for

like paris and the bread price ceiling

then we have our secret party agents blow
the whole oil infra structure up
step by unstoppable step
and blame the exxonian spoil sports
the profiteers turned saboteurs

The Other War Party - Now with Cheap Gas! I can't wait to see my local Sierra Club do-nothings sitting outside a gas station with some democrat weasel stumping for votes. The irony will be lethal!


Yep, Alan. Fill 'er up with lethanol!

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