is there a preogressive majority out there that lies to itself ?

By Owen Paine on Monday July 16, 2012 04:38 PM

ya true is true

despite having all the answers in my head already
i still read Alex of Runny-meme's 'counter punch '

flying out at me there today came this :

"Single payer, living wage, cutting the military industrial complex.
The American people want it. And we can’t get it.
Why not?
Because good people continue to lie to themselves.
The big lie? The Democratic Party is better than the Republican Party"

does anyone HERE at SMBIVA
really believe such fairy dust nonsense ?

all we need do is reject the lesser evil con and we get
by means undisclosed but apparently trivially obvious
Single payer
a $ 12 per hour minimum wage
a scrap heep future for uncle's armadas ?

millions upon millions of voters walking left
and away from the Dems
only requires
each one of these self lie stricken souls
do a little mirror check and glaringly patent fact facing ?

Comments (3)


Here, I don't know. Generally, though, there are heaps. On a side note, I can't believe you didn't let us post today by typing Monica. It saddens me.

"all we need do is reject the lesser evil con and we get
by means undisclosed but apparently trivially obvious
Single payer
a $ 12 per hour minimum wage
a scrap heep future for uncle's armadas ?"

Hmm... let me smoke a fat doobie and then I'll answer

OK, I'm guessing not.


Here's Roberto on his ex-student.

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