jury nullification

By Owen Paine on Monday March 26, 2012 11:48 AM

somehow we freaks never convinced the pleb majority to
nullify the drug laws by simply refusing to convict
unlike white on black violence in the far more solidarity oriented white south
the nulification power of the juury system
at least in the white north since woodstock has failed itself badly

and for a race/nation reason no doubt

i say we try again
jury nullification movements oughta go public this time however

tell the judge to" fuck himself " when he gives his "instructions"

"that's the law" has zero impact on a jury's ability to aquit

a hard won pleb right here to defy the man's state
has nearly extinguished itself by non use

ironies aside like nullification's history as a tool of supra legal racial opporession ..
juries could shield a popular uprising on the job site

wouldn't it be nice
if the D.A. knew any prosecution for violation of corporate rights
was un win-able

Comments (1)

If that started, they probably wouldn't take very long to make the "trial by jury" right even less applicable than currently. A delightful thought nonetheless.

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