losers from cross border trafficing in wage arbitrage

By Owen Paine on Saturday February 25, 2012 09:52 AM


fellow citizen suckers behold the wisdom of the rear view mirror :

as we exit the era of amerika's great de industrialization boom
and only as we exit do we get the findings

"A city at the 75th percentile of exposure to Chinese manufacturing, compared to one at the 25th percentile, will have roughly a 5 percent decrease in the number of manufacturing jobs and an increase of about $65 per capita in the amount of social insurance needed, such as unemployment insurance, health care insurance and disability payments. "

“ People like to think that workers flow freely across sectors, but in reality, they don’t "
--- study's lead author

" At a conservative estimate, that $65 per capita ....
(estimated increased in social insurance payouts )...
wipes out one-third
of the per-capita gains realized by trade with China, in the form of cheaper goods."

that's cash laid out ..all by itself !!!!
each time corporate amerika finds a cheaper off shore source

never mind the long run wage loses
the community down grades
the cluster of households perminently "disrupted " etc etc etc

“Those numbers are really startling,”
the lead Author adds.


Comments (2)


These things always end on the same note: we have to provide training for those whose jobs have been displaced by the new global economy. Clinton paid lip service to that idea with great success, and here it is again, 20 years later. But at least the authors now plan to study whether or not that line is still effective.


We can't build skill sets inside hu-heads cheaply enough
here in amerika

to make the neo liberal soft side raving about more schooling and training
sensible as recipe for our national job class woes
We need a fair trade regime
Start with a balanced trade dollar

Most jobs are only indirectly impacted by the fate of off shoreable jobs

but over time the entire job class wage structure is connected

Until tradable job wage rates face fair trade
not arbitrage racketeering trade

The golden years of CIO America are not only over
But not coming back
Even as we re industrialize

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