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Occupiers visit the DCCC

By Michael J. Smith on Friday December 2, 2011 04:11 PM

Gratifying. From Mike Flugennock.

Comments (5)

Andrew Towne:

So the Occupiers are finally waking up to what Obama and the democrooks are all about!

Good job!


the music floods over this with a gravity the images have certainly not earned
the march to the winter palace ..maybe
though this is so black block doomish
more like the march to the final fight the frost giants

good show agitprop ...
so long as the dual read isn't ironic

it reminds me of the music behind the nascar awards
for the best xyz of the 2011 season
its the music used used for a life time achievement award

op sez on 12.03.11 @08:43:
the music floods over this with a gravity the images have certainly not earned
the march to the winter palace ..maybe
though this is so black block doomish
more like the march to the final fight the frost giants

good show agitprop ...
so long as the dual read isn't ironic

I like to pick out music based on whatever the mood or vibe of the protest was and whatever my own mood is at the time; I also enjoy being facetious and a little sarcastic when I pick out music for these, but not necessarily to knock on the protest (although I did use "Teddy Bears' Picnic" in a video of a Code Pink protest in DC during 2009 Inauguration Week).

I like using mid'60s "garage" and similar instrumentals the best because they're so raucous and spirited -- and also because they're almost all nearly 50 years old, one-off 45s by obscure bands on obscure labels, out of print for decades and not huge national pop hits, so they don't attract the YouTube Music Police*... and also because -- well, I really really dig mid'60s garage style.

When I first started doing these in the late '90s, I did them "straight" -- rally shots, speech clips, march shots, the end. Around '05, I started getting really bored with the speech footage and ditched it because I figured there were lots of other ways to let viewers know what the protest was about.

Finally, about a year or two ago, I even got bored with the standard "journalistic" style and just started free-forming it while keeping the narrative halfway coherent and using music more.


*I have at least six pieces on YouTube which have been tagged for "third-party content" -- i.e. music. The YTMP have informed me that while the pieces will be allowed to remain, they claim the right to run related pop-up advertising under them. So, when you go to view the NineEleven Anniversary piece that the Posse and I shot in NYC last year -- to the tune of the Rolling Stones' "Shattered" -- you'll see a little ad pop up that says ROLLING STONES 'SOME GIRLS' BUY NOW AT AMAZON.COM. I'm in the process of moving my stuff over to Vimeo.


flug keep evolving
i love the morphs you mention

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