Nice one, Mike

By Michael J. Smith on Friday November 25, 2011 05:04 PM

From our pal Mike Flugennock.

Comments (18)


Awesome cartoon. Let'em eat capsaicin. Barack O' Bullshit at his finest.

The "pepper spray cop" has gotten more than his 15 minutes of fame. Goddamn I love the internet sometimes.


One of the things I really like about this cartoon -- among many others -- is it's clearly *white* wine in Obie's glass, and a gluey, puckery California chardonnay at that, or I miss my guess. The sort of thing that used to be handed round at University of Chicago faculty parties.


Such messy methods will be a thing of the past soon. More antiseptic devices—as was another humanitarian "mechanism" once—are making their inevitable way stateside.

Fadduh Smiff sez on 11.26.11 @02:18:
One of the things I really like about this cartoon -- among many others -- is it's clearly *white* wine in Obie's glass...

Thanks, nice to see you picked that up. I'd originally planned on leaving the other hand empty, but then remembered this foto:

...and decided I'd be missing a bet if I didn't fill that hand with something symbolic of Obummer's fatuous Ivy League snobbery. I was originally going to go with red, as the DW and I and the family had Two-Buck Chuck with our turkey and fixin's, but then, at the last minute, I thought nahhh, man, Merlot is for proles, and I went with the white -- stuffy, pretentious, exuding elitist snobbery. Then, of course, is the obvious backhanded symbolism of Obummer sipping white wine.


seems to me a strong politoon
has to include a measure of gross unfairness

compacting ohbummer and sargent hot pepper

it mst infuriate liberal guardian class types to state baldly

you sprayed em barry !!!!


Indeed. That's the charm of it. Politicians like to take credit for anything good that happens during their reigns, including good weather. Only fair that they should take credit for the bad stuff too. Pepperbama!


off topic but i bet u all loved this as much as brad delong loved it

like all swell things
it ends swell :

"Ten years ago, surveying the post-9/11 landscape in the pages of Dissent, Michael Walzer famously asked if there could be a “decent left” in a superpower. It was the wrong question—or perhaps just the wrong term—and it has since been mocked with a mighty mockery: after all, for the hard left, who take as much pride in hardness and firmness as did any of George Bush’s most ardent admirers, “decency” is a prissy value, to be gauged and monitored by a Decency League made up of schoolmarms and busybodies. The question, rather, should have been whether there can be a rigorously internationalist left in the U.S., a left that will promote and support the freedom of speech, the freedom to worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear—even on those rare and valuable occasions when doing so puts one in the position of supporting U.S. policies. That, I think, is the question that confronts the American left after Benghazi, in the years following the Arab Spring."


the credo of the new deal
four freedoms
planetary flying nuns :

"... promote and support "

"the freedom of speech,
the freedom to worship,
the freedom from want,
the freedom from fear"

"even on those rare and valuable occasions
when doing so puts one
in the position of supporting
U.S. policies"


Lou Proyect did a good job on Berube; Alex Cockburn dealt with him this weekend too. Not sure why anyone has taken Walzer seriously for the last 33 years when Chomsky reviewed the former's magnum opus, Just and Unjust Wars


O ye doubters and blasphemers! Do you want to make Baby Jesus scream?


Just for the sake of public safety, shouldn't there be some immigration statute to limit the number of pen-wielding British hucksters from crossing the pond every decade to unleash their polemical wares upon unworldly American marks from their well-heeled electronic Speakers Corner? Christopher Hitchens, Niall Ferguson, and now this nutball Sullivan who warns innocents at home on the dangers of advertising becoming "infected" with displays of "homosexual erotica and the milder forms of sadomasochism"? Or do they qualify under some H1 visa program because of shortage of nutjobs in California and Florida?


It's Lend-Lease in reverse, a manifestation of the sick Anglophilia of the American middle classes. Seventy years ago, we sent 'em stuff they needed. Now we're taking all the people who are precisely the *last* thing they need, because they have way too many Hitchenses and Sullivans already than any country ought to have. It's something in the water.


"the sick Anglophilia of the American middle classes. "



No doubt, lack of chlorination in the water is responsible for this intellectual form of Montezuma's revenge. The French are taking care of the "philosophical" end of the spectrum and the British are taking care of business on the literary side. No shortage of suckers to be sure.

Al Schumann:

It's a sad day for American fraud when we have to import these horrors. We could manage on our own, if we really cared. We have monkey molesters, pigeon pokers and Alan Dershowitz, a man so dishonest and spiteful he's entitled to a category of his own.

And speaking of dubious imports, Steven Pinker, a study in the validity of physiognomy.

Fadduh Smiff sez on 11.26.11 @21:59:
Seventy years ago, we sent 'em stuff they needed. Now we're taking all the people who are precisely the *last* thing they need, because they have way too many Hitchenses and Sullivans already than any country ought to have.

Speaking of Anglophilia... over the past decade or so, I've often found myself thinking here we are, at a time when we could really use John Lennon, and all we've got is Christopher Hitchens.


Nixon and Hoover had marked John for deportation back to England, but John beat the rap, possibly helped by the fact that Nixon and Hoover were history by the time he was deemed kosher for permanent residency in '76 after 6 years of legal wrangling.

nice blog and I like it a lot.

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