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Fresh Meat For Doc Benway

By Al Schumann on Monday June 13, 2011 07:04 AM

Congressman Naughty Bits is headed for "treatment". He's finding religion, of a secular variety, and seeking a veneer of moral hygiene.


Trendy quackery emphasizes a behavioral lens, with a further emphasis on addiction. It's only harmful to people who are truly suffering. Poorly socialized, self-involved, arrogant, Type A cretins are not suffering. They're not sick at all. They're perfectly adjusted to their environment. That's the problem. They don't need therapy and we, God help us, don't need them.

If he had any real friends, they'd ridicule him and provide a kindly, salutary slap or two upside the head. Okay, maybe more than a slap or two. He's a congressman, however, a Democratic "liberal bulldog", and they don't have friends. What a pity!

The moral hygiene is a stepping stone for people in his class. It's a career move. I expect he'll resurface as a commentator, if he gets forced out of Congress.

Comments (12)

CNN is already dying to team him up with a pretty blonde kewpie doll, so they can talk process and evaluate viability.


Oi, Al, this is good aim:

Poorly socialized, self-involved, arrogant, Type A cretins are not suffering. They're not sick at all. They're perfectly adjusted to their environment. That's the problem.

Though I think that's a bit painful to hear for a good number of people.

Al Schumann:

In that progression, one form of psychobabble preps him another, even less worthwhile form of bloviation.

The paleos and libertarians make frequent, scathing references to the "therapeutic state". They have something there. Psycho-quackery is used as extra-judicial punishment and an ad hominem means of delegitimizing any criticism. From the leftier quadrants, it's also a way of forcing obedience to double bind proprieties, bourgeois sanctimony, etc.


When DSM-V comes out, it will have lots of categories just waiting to be used for diagnosis of the "illness" at issue in any given dissident. And naturally Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline will have Rx products that will "help" people in all these new categories of "illness."

If it can run a whole sector of the "service economy" then it's a good thing, right?

"Liberal bulldog?" P'wahh ha ha ha ha ha ha haahh. Liberal chihuahua, more like.

Anybody here catch this article when it came out:
This, along with his race-baiting dirty tricks that first got him elected, is the main reason why I have zero sympathy for this wanker, and why I think -- at least in this instance -- Little Andy Breitbart actually managed to do the right thing, even if only by accident.

PS: May I propose that the name "Anthony" be used as a new euphemism for "penis", along the lines of "Johnson" and "John Thomas"? As in "suck my Anthony, asshole!"?

Anthony Weiner got caught, that's all. I mean how many poor, unsuspecting girls do you think Nancy Pelosi has exposed her wrinkled balls too?

Al Schumann:

Karl, I agree. I think the focus is already on punitive medication and vindictive counseling for children who get antsy in the factory farm child grinding industry.

"Anthony" is too long. Call it a "tony."


"Tony"? As in Kushner? He is one, and I believe he won one.

Trebled entendre, then, MJS. I was think Sopranos, too...


"Anthony" is too long.

The jpegs haven't attracted my interest, but that's what I've heard...

"Poorly socialized, self-involved, arrogant, Type A cretins are not suffering. They're not sick at all. They're perfectly adjusted to their environment."

And they run the world.

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