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The power of a bad example

By Michael J. Smith on Friday February 18, 2011 11:58 AM

Of course I'm really glad to see what's happening in Wisconsin.

Who can doubt that seeing people in other countries do this stuff emboldens us to try it ourselves?

May the rot spread and spread.

Comments (5)

Didn't like the first title?

Awesome news, fersure. At last, a new workers' movement being born.

Now, if they can just keep the Democrats from sneaking in and sucking the blood out of it.

No doubt the pwog brigades are already en-route, armed to the teeth with truncheons made from Working Families Party leaflets and knives forged from old "safe state strategy" position papers. There must be a lot of unemployed Obot Left apologists available to man the DNC submarines.


The power of an enraged minority
That is the essence of a new union movement

The hazards are obvious enough

The struggle after the civil war to equalize citizenship in the south led to Jim crow not mlk

The goodness of time might require a very nasty defeat.

Clio playing the worse the better
Quite different from Egypt

Is it possible for the global zeitgeist to play two opposite games at once ?
I suspect so


The power of an enraged minority
That is the essence of a new union movement

The hazards are obvious enough

The struggle after the civil war to equalize citizenship in the south led to Jim crow not mlk

The goodness of time might require a very nasty defeat.

Clio playing the worse the better
Quite different from Egypt

Is it possible for the global zeitgeist to play two opposite games at once ?
I suspect so

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