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Redeunt Saturnia regna

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday February 5, 2011 05:59 PM

This passing reference, and photo, left me speechless:

Coptic Christians show solidarity by forming a human chain around Islamic protesters during Friday prayers in Tehrir Square on Feb. 4.

Strange days indeed -- strange, and wonderful.

Comments (3)


I think this sliver of history will be cheaply co-opted one day soon by somebody like Michael Bay.

It's a beautiful photo, though.


the euphoric stages is nearing its end

the lines are clear now

on one side
the military
on the other
the insurgency

each side must see its task clearly

either the insurgency will divide and dissolve the military
or the military will divide and dissolve the unsurgency

michael Hureaux:

Suleiman may carry the day for a brief time. But the crap that pushed people forward before will galvanize them again.

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