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Break containment

By Mike Flugennock on Friday December 3, 2010 11:22 PM

It's often been said, ever since the days of Usenet and Tiananmen Square, that the Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

As it was in those bygone days, so it is today, as the US State pressures Wikileaks' "cloud" provider and DNS service to take steps in an attempt to silence dissent.

The problem is -- at least, if you're the US State, it's a problem -- Wikileaks can still be reached on the Web via any number of alternate links, such as through its numeric "dotted quad" IP addresses and It can also be reached through its alternate domains in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

I'd like to encourage everyone reading this to follow that grand old Web censorship-defeating tradition of "mirroring" and passing alternate links around, and post these links to your blog or Web site:



Tough luck, Barack. Better luck next time, Hillary.

Comments (11)


There is a story on wired.com that seems to suggest that Wikileaks is stingy, careless and less than truthful when it comes to managing its own site and "having registered as a journalistic source". How much credibility is there in these reports? It does seem to suggest that blame lies with Assange when it comes to how the site is being managed.

"How much credibility is there in these reports?"

That's for you to decide. If you need an authority to interpret for you, come to conclusions for you or make decisions for you then it's best you not look at leaks and defer to the authority you choose (for whatever reason).

However, those of us that don't need nor want a parental/authority figure to do those things, want access to as much information as we can get our hands on and that is why Wikileaks is a good thing. Because...

[T]he very purpose of Wikileaks is to challenge any and every authority of this kind. For Wikileaks, the only authority that matters -- the only person who is ultimately entitled to all available information and who properly should judge it -- is you. In this sense, which I submit is the highest and best sense of the term, Wikileaks is a genuine "leveller." It seeks to make each and every individual the ultimate judge of the truth, just as it seeks to empower all people to make the determination as to what course of action is indicated, if any. This, dear reader, is what a real revolution looks like.



Would that be the same wired.com that conspired to rat Bradley Manning out to the government? The one that tries to turn each data dump into an occasion for propaganda? That wired.com?

I don't fault you for needing help figuring things out but Wired is definitely the wrong way in.

Start here: The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks


Thanks diamonddog . From the tone of the article it did seem to be another hit job. But I am not too familiar with US political views of that site. I just frequent StopMe.. as it gives a good perspective. Thanks for providing unique perspective on the world that is seldom found in newspapers and TV media.

Anyways I used to feel all along that government here in India is unique in hounding reporters and whistle blowers , now unfortunately US too has joined in. How can these people in power be so naive as not to realize that they can kill one Wikileak, another will spring up?

Good thinking, Mike. I've added all four links to my blough as well.


"those of us that don't need nor want a parental/authority figure to do those things, want access to as much information as we can get our hands on "

a nice compact rendering
of a particularly smug
and self deluded idiocy

access to "as much information as possible " ??
for what purpose ???
is that much under determined for u
"If you need an authority to interpret... come to conclusions .. or make decisions for you "
i guess so
imagine the agony the back filling the constant busting of assumptions
if one must make a total break
with the sway of ..."authority"

mom and dad writ large
again resort to the family paradigm
to acccept as given even if only provisionally to get on with the process
is to be childishly dependent
a dupe a slug a mollusk a grub

in the end
an infant suckling and kooing
at the devil's tit


"How can these people in power be so naive as not to realize that they can kill one Wikileak, another will spring up?"

in the end "they " have no choice

"they" are compelled to swat
as many flies as possible
if they are convinced
some may contain enough poison
to provide fatality to their bite
or enough biters will only bring on ever more biters
or that seeming impunity will embolden scores of hanging back pile oners

in the end for authority to retain control
its much like pumping a ship
can "they " pump fast enough long enough

its not enough to expect
in time the leaks will subside
and certainly b4 they can sink the ship

every break from obedience
by those inside the apparatus
the Mannings not the what's his namers
obviously won't precipitate
a run away copy cat process
most times
a single act of disobedience
can't trigger
a total system implosion eh ???

but the lesson must be branded in the conciousness of all small fry

the defying of authority
will be punished
brutally punished if necessary

there is always that question

is the use of over whelming force
a sign of weakness or strength

only context can determine that
and even then
even after a depp analysis
there is much room
for both proceedures
to succeeed
and even the sight of scrambling
key stone cop farce
can suggest a false conclusion
to the opponents of authority

to be brave is not to be without fear eh ??

its fool hardy to have contempt
for "the power of the state"
even if its sometimes necessary
to act toward it with utter defiance


i must say

looking over diamond dog's link
this is the sort of piece that gives greenwhatever some grounds for a readership
as a reporter

if more arm chair /nerd collarish
seymour hirsch ???
i don't mind entertaining that
but posssibly
another woodward equally arises


but possibly another woodward equally arises

I don't see any evidence for this at all. He clearly has no interest in being an insider (he considers his residency in Brazil an advantage) and it also seems unlikely that age will temper his seething contempt for the government and the MSM, which is sometimes very entertaining, particularly when he cuts one of these charlatans to ribbons during interviews.


"it also seems unlikely that age will temper his seething contempt for the government and the MSM"

let us hope the seethe runs true to the end

he's a hot property of sorts ....for now
and yet the ebb and flow of fashion
reach left shores too

can he retain his boldness
thru the threat of pending low tide


""it also seems unlikely that age will temper his seething contempt for the government and the MSM"


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