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Same old same old

By Michael J. Smith on Monday April 12, 2010 06:26 PM

Feelin' my age.

Comments (5)


finest graphic here in three years

I don't get it:



If you have to explain a joke, clearly it wasn't much of a joke. But I love to evangelize the brilliant sure-footed work of R Crumb, who drew the panel above some forty-odd years ago.

My previous post kinda depressed me. A World Leader made a Mighty Speech -- to a bunch of other World Leaders -- and I hadda say something about it. Mighty Speeches made by World Leaders set me my daily task. Sometimes I wish I had a different, more elevated, less sordid, daily task. That's all.

hopeless dummy:

This I get.

I guess mjs id's with the gal in the chair!?

But the relationship between the thought bubbles defeats me. Perhaps an embassy should be dispatched to Crumb.


No, the problem is that I *don't* identify with the lady in the drawing. I don't find the mighty speeches "intristing" -- I find them deeply boring, and only wish that everybody else felt the same way. I'm in the intristing position, I guess, of being an evangelist for boredom.

How you read an image often says more about you than about the image, but the story I take away from this image is that the lady in the armchair is only intristed in the mighty speeches because she is smitten with the scowling newsreader.

I recently found myself in a position where I couldn't escape watching a lot of CNN for a period of some months. It was horrible, of course, but what was intristing was that a stance of chronic pissed-offedness seems to be de rigueur for newschatterers these days. Quite different from the above-it-all orotundity of the Cronkite/Rather generation. I daresay people enjoy it -- like the lady in the picture -- but why?

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