One of these two self-preening banksters' boys must go -- or at least, if I were George Axelrod, that's what my memo to the Obester would say.
The pleb rage that elected Scotty Brown, nude male model, Senator from Kennedyville -- is it now heard loudly enough in the White House that maybe maybe a high-placed head or two must roll?
Let's ponder the choice:
They could simply let Bernanke twist in the wind. See to it no one sees to it, and Ben simply never gets reconfirmed. In a few more weeks, as I understand it, if not reconfirmed, Ben becomes just another board member, and this barely animate human paperweight,
... a chap named named Kohn, gets to play standin Chairman until an obvious champion of the people can be found to nominate, after a month or two or six.
Harry Truman did just this to famed New Deal-era pump-priming loon and anti-inflation nut case Marriner Eccles, shown below:
It could be fun; but hey we're not looking for chaos here, I mean real chaos, market-convulsing galloping-Gertie chaos. Nope, we're looking for just some nice headline-stealing chaos in a tea cup.
That's why i'd pick off Geithner myself, and right now. Get him the hell out, on still undisclosed revelations surrounding the seamy AIG affair. I'd recommend firing him and a few totally unknown helpless underlings scattered around the various executive departments, as part of a well-publicized housecleaning, a vast sweeping-out of all Wall Street secret agents inside the administration.
You can just hear it, can't you? --
"I am saddened. By these abrupt. And drastic. Measures. But. My fellow Americans.
We have been betrayed. By these men.
And their secret cabal. Of entenched kleptocrats.
Yes. It's my fault. I was on. The quarterdeck. I selected. These folks.
But. They must go. And they must go. Now."
(Tried to get a little of Obie's Scotch-terrier speech cadence there. Did it work? )
He should really play it up. Hang 'em from the yardarm. There's no popular backlash to be feared on this caper. Turfing these pen and ink geeks would never come off like that hideously venal Uriah Heepish Richard Milhous Nixon firing dignified Yankee souse Eliot Richardson, or, even more devastating, Harry T bunging General of the Armies, Navies, and Flying Saucers, George Cakewalk Macarthur.
Far from wrecking Obama's mojo -- provided he handles this right of course -- he comes out the other end with a total do-over. Barry O, blazing six-gun sheriff of Wall Street!
Sheriff? Mr Merit Badge, wear a silver star? Yes, I agree, sounds more like a role on Scotty Brown's audition list. But it's the ticket the White House oughta buy. Jump out in front of the power wave. Fire the traitorous impy mouseman Timmy, and then just stand clear for a while, and let the little band of angry elves over on the Hill (and up for re-election) get in a nice session of Jericho-like hornblowing at the dark towers up there on the tip of Manhattan.
They'll be grateful you gave 'em the space, and by sitting back on your hands you can let Chairman Of All Teh Banks, gentle Ben, now safely reconfirmed, and in position, to act with impunity 100% as he's told to act, by... err... those very same Wall Street orcs.
Ah, the beauty of divided governance... almost as kewl as party politics itself.
Comments (6)
Obie just don't got it in 'em.
This is as bold as he dares to get:
Key highlights:
- freeze spending for some domestic programs...
- pentagon, veterans programs, foreign aid and the Homeland Security Department would be exempt from the freeze...
- proposals he described won't create jobs...
- a package of tax credits...
- came from the yearlong work of a task force, led by Vice President Joe Biden...
The last highlight is interesting; apparently the response to 'the voter anger' is this not so bold POS proposal, crafted in the YEAR BEFORE the recent election in MA.
Posted by hadji singh | January 25, 2010 9:58 PM
Posted on January 25, 2010 21:58
Oooohhhh... all these complex, interconnected power relationships...all these convoluted political machinations... that's so complicated, Smiff. Why can't you just post more giant bug pictures instead?
Posted by Mike Flugennock | January 25, 2010 10:37 PM
Posted on January 25, 2010 22:37
Way ahead of you on the Blazzin' Saddles thing...
Posted by Frederick | January 25, 2010 10:51 PM
Posted on January 25, 2010 22:51
Al's phrase has been stuck in my head since last spring:
"Geithner is perfect. He's a socially retarded little yuppie, deeply unlikable, with a dork's delight hairdo and a face made for graceless victimhood."
It seemed like he had to go at the time, but he's still here. I'm not sure what exactly is going on in the White House, but it sure doesn't seem like Obama cares about getting reelected, as he's been ignoring Axelrod's advice since the day he won the election.
Posted by bob | January 25, 2010 11:29 PM
Posted on January 25, 2010 23:29
"WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday said he expects Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House economic adviser Larry Summers to stay in their jobs, and called them "terrific advisers.""
Posted by bob | January 26, 2010 12:33 AM
Posted on January 26, 2010 00:33
bob passed along this nugget from Reuters:
"WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday said he expects Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House economic adviser Larry Summers to stay in their jobs, and called them "terrific advisers.""
In other words: Heckuva Job, Brownie!
Posted by Mike Flugennock | January 26, 2010 1:44 AM
Posted on January 26, 2010 01:44