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The skipper, brave and sure

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday August 1, 2009 07:03 PM

I'm off tonight to sail to Maine. Wish me luck and pour a libation to Poseidon and Amphitrite.

Updates to this site, from me at least, will depend on where I drop the hook en route and whether there's a Starbucks or a public library near the shore. Owen and Al, I hope, will keep the home fires burning.

Comments (4)

Or you could make a wi-fi radio with coconuts, right?

So, Smiff, who did you want to nail more -- Ginger or Mary Ann?

I liked Mary Ann, myself; Ginger was ultra-hot, but so unattainable.


i'm told
father smiff never watched
commercial tv as a boy

of course
he had is chemistry experiments
on captured wild life

women flocked to him later
after his vows were shattered by
...that ....
corn fed vixen
from manhattan kansas

Speaking for the Onanist community, what did folks assume about the Ole Prof? Stylish or over-the-top/too easy? He never seemed to have full use of his right hand while trying to building contraptions...Hairy palm?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Saturday August 1, 2009 07:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Robecon.

The next post in this blog is A Rebel Alliance? Guest post, by Cal Zero.

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