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By Al Schumann on Saturday August 22, 2009 12:04 AM

"There is something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up," said President Obama. "Senate go oopsie go ouchy," he further explicated. When pressed for an explanation by the embedded reporters at the White House, spokesman Bill Gibbs scolded the giggling, tittering gaggle for the frivolity of their "caca doodoo" questions. After a potty break and a quiet time, the semblance of decorum was restored.

That's not entirely factual, but I can't for the life of me swear it's not true.

Comments (4)

Jazus, I just don't know anymore. Maybe they should rename the Oval Office the "Romper Room" or something.

Al Schumann:

We could send them nerf balls too, so they don't hurt each other when they take their infantilization games to the point of temper tantrums.


Super Al
Always had the
Pee pee beat covered
So long as it remained
A Figurative

Now its literal

Insight becomes
Conventional perception

Super Al needs re assignment
Practical but cuttin' edge

10 day
weather forecasting ?

Al Schumann:

It's no good trying to salvage me, Owen. I'm grateful. It's a generous thought, but the Progressive octopus has called on me to sing my swan song.

It could be worse. I have my sponge painting to pass the time.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Saturday August 22, 2009 12:04 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Tough times for the comprador liberals.

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