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"We calm and reassure...." (*)

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday January 7, 2009 01:09 PM

This marvelous item came to my attention via Charles Andrews at the Monthly Review web site:

No Need to March, Says Obama Adviser

Valerie Jarrett, who will likely become a household name very shortly as she serves as a senior adviser and public liaison for President Barack Obama, says the landscape of activism may drastically change under an Obama administration as those who have traditionally fought to be heard will likely have seats at the table.

“You do not need to have demonstrations in front of the White House.... The campaign stood for change. It stood for a grassroots, bottom-up drive toward a better country. That does not have to be confrontational. It can be engaging....

[Obama's] strategy is, ‘Look if we all come to the table and we have a common goal of trying to solve a problem, there’s no end to what ordinary people can do....’”

Jarrett, [the] CEO of a real estate development and management company who’s already called the “first friend” to the Obamas, has not ruled out the possibility of even Jackson and Sharpton at the table in the White House.

Gasp! Even Jackson and Sharpton? Oh man, this is like, epoch-making. Bottom rail on top dis time, as the chap said to President Lincoln.

Meditate for a moment on this carefully crafted expression:

If we all come to the table and we have a common goal of trying to solve a problem...
If indeed. But what if some of the people at the table are the problem? Like f'rinstance -- the CEO of a... real estate company?!

Oh well, leave it to the magic man. Meanwhile, kick back, revel in the general glow of changiness, and pay no attention to the news.


(*) You remember the rest:

"... We embrace people with the message that we're all in it together. Our leaders are infallible and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong..."
-- the sinister Miles Drentell, memorable villain in the mostly forgettable TV show "Thirtysomething."

Comments (6)


as one who loves a poke in the eye
to amerika's dwindling pap finn re action

poses like this ....


as prime time white house fare
might yield a few contemplative delights

nb that's madame bowman-jarret
from stage right


MJS - did you read the comments on Andrews' article? it's everyone's favorite pwogwessive, Carl Davidson, at it again!

kali yuga:

Funny thing, when I sat down at The Fraud's table and asked him not to gut the Fourth Amendment, I didn't feel like I was getting near the hearing that AT&T was.

Al Schumann:

Davidson has gotten to be as silly as those right wing perception management vigilantes who monitor liberal sites for breaking news of the latest Republican fiascos and atrocities. They rush in to correct liberal bias and chastise the nattering nabobs for their negativity.

The fortunate few right wingers get some compensation for their efforts on behalf of the cause. Davidson, I suspect, is going to have to make do with the satisfaction that comes from the lonely pursuit of virtue. The market for Obamabots is suffering from a crisis of excess capacity and overproduction.

It's rolling already, this "inclusiveness," 12 days before the boss sits down. Check out Daschle's promise today to "include" the crazy-ass, openly self-canceling illogicians of "private health insurance" in what's coming. (Olympia Snowe[job] swears the defect is that creating public health insurance to compete with private plans [the Zerobama "campaign promise"] would be that all the rotten costs would get shifted to the public and out of the private plans! No mention of that making the private plans cheaper, of course...) In other words, it's sabotage we're crafting here, ala Hillary '93.

kali yuga:

The Obama Action Figure -- Special Edition: For Progressives Only


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