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A faraway people, of whom we know nothing

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday December 27, 2008 10:42 PM

Here's Mister Hope and Change responding to the Israeli Condor Legion's famous victory in Gaza:

Obama 'monitoring' Gaza strikes: spokesman

HONOLULU, Hawaii (AFP) — US president-elect Barack Obama is "monitoring" the deadly violence in the Gaza strip....

In a July interview with The New York Times, Obama said he didn't think that "any country would find it acceptable to have missiles raining down on the heads of their citizens," in reference to rockets fired from Gaza into Israel.

"If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that," Obama said. "And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing."

Sounds like the Jerusalem Boers got the message, Obie.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post dolefully opines:

Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza Strip Imperil Obama's Peace Chances

Israel's airstrikes on Gaza yesterday.... could scuttle any hopes the incoming Obama administration harbored of forging an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal....

"Now I think what the Obama administration faces is at least two years or more before they can really think of having any serious movement" on the peace process," [said Anthony H. Cordesman, a military analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies].

That must be a load off their minds. Talk about dodging a bullet.

Comments (5)

Mike Hunt:

Utter silence on Obama's lack of interest on the Democrat centric sites. Yes you are so much better than the Neocon Republican running dogs.

Michael Hureaux:

Guernica indeed.


Re the Boers, following is an excerpt from an official South African government communiqué issued during a visit to Israel in 1976 by the Afrikaner Prime Minister, John Vorster (who used to be an ardent fan of der Führer in his twenties):

Israel and South Africa have one thing above all else in common: they are both situated in a predominantly hostile world inhabited by dark peoples.

During the three decades of official apartheid, these racial settler outposts of "democracy" operated in close sync, leading to likely joint testing of nukes.
They seem to be aware of the horror of a democratic outcome in the Holy Land [sic], as the Prime Minister of Israel acknowledged last year:

If the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights, then the State of Israel is finished.


Yet people still say that Obama has a kinder, gentler progressive persona just waiting to emerge, once his neo-liberal hawks and financial advisors have tricked people into believing he means to follow their advice.

kali yuga:

Didn't you guys get the memo? BIG CHANGE!!!™ has been postponed. Lawrence Lessig, High Priest in the Church of Obama, explained on Charlie Rose that Obama's first term is gonna have to be status quo. It's the second term-- that's when the real CHANGE!!!™ is gonna come. CHANGE!!! 2.0!!!!™ Don't worry about your civil liberties, those big corporate handouts, the perpetual war. It's all about Obama 2012!!!! Change You Can Believe In For Real! We Mean It Next Time. Trust Us . . .


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