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There is figures in all things

By Owen Paine on Thursday October 30, 2008 05:20 PM

The stuffed shirt shown above, Ramsay Macdonald, played the false progressive job-class face of Anglo-Saxon reaction in the inter-war years -- and played the bigger fool right up to his deathbed.

Leader of a Labor Party that thrived at the polls on Tory bankers' intrigues, he never was his own man, even as prime minister, and come the crash -- why, he was as tight-assed and at-sea as any City banker: a prisoner of misapplied Calvinist virtues and the received banalities of Victorian political economy.

Ponder this: Oby One as another such face of prudential folly.

P.S. :

This goo-goo prig, Philip Snowden, played Bobby Rubin to Mac-Ram's working man's Hoover.

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