I had an hour or two to kill today -- a slow, humid July Saturday in New York. So, motivated by a somewhat gin-fuelled nostalgia, I dropped in, electronically, on the NetrootsNation confab (The Circle-Jerk Formerly Known As Yearly Kos).
I actually went to this event, in the flesh, a couple of years ago, with mixed feelings. Watching the "live streams" -- a slight overstatement -- I found that the mixed feelings were much the same. Lots of these folks are intelligent and well-intentioned. But it's heartbreaking to watch them expending their spirit in that waste of shame known as the Democratic Party.
There was one bright spot, though: seems like hardly anybody went. It's painful, in a pleasurable sort of way, when the camera zooms out and shows the meeting room -- an expense of speakers in a waste of empty chairs.
Comments (1)
Now that is funny: "an expense of speakers." Given that the gathering was of self-designated Important Voices, the "expense" involved must have been quite high - a dime and a cup of tepid coffee? A fake-signed Adlai Stevenson martini napkin? One free Barney Frank on-line poker game?
Posted by mjoe | July 20, 2008 7:40 AM
Posted on July 20, 2008 07:40