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"Kick Me" sign progressivism

By Al Schumann on Tuesday April 1, 2008 07:12 AM

I thought I might get into a political debate here, but I can't find much in the way of politics--you know, like Lenin defined it, concrete analysis of concrete conditions, then 'Who-Whom', who can do what to whom. I know you're against the Dems, any Dem, but are you for McCain, the Greens, or staying home studying POMO stuff? Can't tell from these posts.

There was a desert wind blowing that night. It was one of those hot dry Santa Anas that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands' necks. Anything can happen. You can even get a full glass of beer at a cocktail lounge.

Don't let the "Kick Me" signs fool you. They're there to lull people into misunderestimating the hard-boiled progressive resolve. Carl and the Pwogs for Obama have a cunning plan. They're going to put Obama in their debt, by offering him everything he wants from them with no preconditions and no plan for coping with defection. Through the magic of social contract theory, he will then be obliged to fulfill the progressive dreams. If he doesn't... let's just say there will a be a number of scathing articles in The Nation.

Comments (5)

Scathing articles in The Nation? I'm calling foul on that one.

These people never admit they were wrong, so the true fate of The Nation during the Obama phase will be more color layouts, more ads, bigger typefaces, and an even larger number of even more prostrate liberals as columnists. Robert Kuttner, fresh off his spearheading of that $400 conference, comes to mind. Maybe a "green" column by (dare we dream it?) Albert J. Gore...


speaking of phil m

the open of litle sister

sub this end of graph stinger

" ...unless you've lived in little rock "



from the ralph team
to me with love ...

"If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why oh why can't I?"

"The aim of the Nader/Gonzalez campaign?

Stick it to both corrupt corporate parties in 2008.

In every state in the union."

"(Little known fact - Frank Baum, the author of the original Wizard of Oz, and Yip Harburg, the man who wrote the lyrics for the movie - were both populists in the Nader/Gonzalez tradition. The Wizard represented Wall Street? The Wicked Witch the railroads?)"

"PS: We welcome your comments to the blog."

bombard the headquarters gang of N


carl d
quoting lenin
must thing he's entered a den
of ex MLers

" see bats hanging from cave ceiling
mistah C
take no chances
whip out the magic charm "

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