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Give 'em hell Larry

By Owen Paine on Monday April 28, 2008 09:23 PM

I've grown exceedingly fond of this fiend:

Larry Summers His latest gem:

"growth in the global economy encourages the development of stateless elites whose allegiance is to global economic success and their own prosperity rather than the interests of the nation where they are headquartered."

The swine has an unblinking insight into boardroom evil, and a shrewdness and delight in viciousness that blinks at no corporate horror. He's like Doc Benway, hurling a scalpel into his patient's chest just to make the operation more interesting.

Hell, he's the Arnold Ziffle of Wall Street--

Arnold Ziffle

-- the closest thing they got to an on-retainer genius.

Comments (3)

the "Arnold Ziffle of Wall Street"?

Oh, wait a minute...

...I have the Porcine Anti-Defamation League on line one, and Mr. Ziffle's publicist on line two.

Another excellent indicator -- among the thousands of others -- of the mega-sterility of the Dembots.

Any pulse-having opposition of any kind would be plastering this "stateless elites" stuff everywhere.


god i love that passage
" ...stateless elites ..."

its as if
he's just daring
us anti globalists
to take
the trans nats on

yes the trans nats and their bankers

yes the folks for whom
he's a hired tongue

it's as if he figures

hell i can tell the plain truth
in public
spot the weenies the deepest reality
and still
whip their pwoggy asses

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