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Down with the sheepskin

By Owen Paine on Saturday February 23, 2008 04:50 PM

Generalissimo Max von Soundoff here.

We the rubes and flatlanders gotta get off our rumples and demand an end to this Mister Higher Ed steeplechase racket. Go after 'em in Uncle's courts!

we need a groundswell movement -- end all virtual higher ed gauntlets. Let's refuse to fill out that section of the app, and then sue when they don't hire us. Or just sue if they say a college degree is a requirement. Or or or....

Self-evident axiom: it's discrimination to screen job applications for irrelevant years of schooling and degrees, unless direct job requirements can be demonstrated to include XYZ higher school-taught horsefeathers -- and we all know anything picked up past 6th grade, 9 out of 10 times, don't matter a cold French fry one way or the other.

Comments (1)

Son of Uncle Sam:

Only an OCPD entreprenuial sprite, more then likely w/ a resume highlight boasting "donkey show rodeo clown" would've began requiring it. Ask yourself from his point of view, could you trust your landscaper to baby sit your god children. Anyone w/ a four year degree not related to a hard science, you political sci-fi polly wogs out there aren't, could tell you their B.A. was nothing more than 4 years of date rapes culminating to a cubical. If letting silver backed Gorillas use silverware still makes sense, stay the fuck out of my grand ma's kitchen!

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