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Beautiful Losing Interrupted

By Al Schumann on Tuesday December 18, 2007 08:41 AM

Oh, my. He's been putting vinegar in his prune juice again. That's Harry Reid, of course. His need to secure four more days of gruesome capitulationist excess, and a timely departure for his vacation, put the melodrama of the Dodd filibuster to an abrupt stop. He'll have to wait until January to grant retroactive immunity to the telecoms, but somehow I think he'll manage to soldier on.


Comments (3)



he looks like me

a sleepy's mattress professional

Speaking of sour pie-faces, did you Stoppers catch the report in today's NYT on the Klintons' 11 core constituents? "In Charity and Politics, Clinton Donors Overlap"

I shall think of those 11 when I refuse to vote for Killary-Shillary. (Not to imply that the big K-S isn't fully insufficient to raise my voting finger all on her own.)

Eh. Reid's just sulking because he's going to have to throw the Dodd a bone now to get his telecom legislation passed.

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