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The how -- or the what?

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday October 20, 2007 11:15 PM

Dear Hillary seems to be feeling a little defensive about her recent vote greasing the skids for war with Iran. Apparently she has written a letter to Iowa Democrats on the subject -- a minor masterpiece in its own way, and one that raises an interesting question. Here's the gist of Hillary's self-exculpation:
Let me be clear on Iran -- I am opposed to letting President Bush take any military action against that country without full Congressional approval.
Now here's the interesting question: Does the public care about the "how", or are they more concerned with the "what"? That is, will they be happy with an Iran war, as long as it has "full congressional approval" -- or would they rather not have one, no matter who might approve?

If it's the latter -- if they don't want a war, whether or not the civics teachers feel that due process has been observed -- then it's pretty clear that Hillary will disappoint them. Now Hillary will be the Democrats' candidate, and very likely the next President, barring the very unlikely appearance on YouTube of a sex tape of her with Bob Rubin, or with a high-quality, top-notch, officially-certified, drug and disease-free standard poodle.

It will, in a mild way, be interesting to see what Iowa voters make of this gambit. What they ought to conclude, of course, is "game over" -- it's gonna be war upon war upon war, all the way down, for all their fabled "caucuses" can do to stop it.

Wouldn't it be great if they just stayed home -- if the one person who showed up for the Iowa caucuses was a poor old toothless dodderer in a walker, with one quesion: What are you going to do for "seniors"?

Oh, I know it wouldn't make any difference. But it would make me think better of Iowa.

Comments (1)


the party actives and effectives
mostly just still want a winner

to this puny governing hope-seek
herr kosnikopf is a mirror

a mirror
unto the deepest sanctums
of their collective under soul???


but these are folks
like a deballed luther
never dare unleash
their inner monsters

what can surface ??

a delightful
snot haired gimped shadow
of that dungeoned monster

alfalfa kucinich

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