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Up from the ground comes a-bubblin' crude

By Owen Paine on Friday June 8, 2007 10:50 AM

Hadn't heard recently from Mr Y, my cookie-pushing Deep Throat in Foggy Bottom. I was starting to wonder whether he'd been renditioned somewhere, but don't he call me just as I'm conducting a dream interview with an oddly still-blooming Shana Alexander.

"Big Oil still rocks the occ, Paine! Shit, does it get any better -- those greedy fucking tar monkeys can't let go of the raisins in the jar. But they're trapped by the small neck, with a full fist. Can't get it out, but won't drop the caper and get themselves the fuck out either!"

Y is of course gabbling all about the pending -- ever-pending, in fact -- draft oil law for Iraq that would allow big TNC energy a nice Assyrian share of the country's oil.

BTW, our moth boy on the Hill, Dennis the K, playing his usual hapless Mad-Magazine Cassandra, yelped all about this for time umpteen from the floor of the house last month:


Except for three scant lines, the entire 33 page "Hydrocarbon Law," is about creating a complex legal structure to facilitate the privatization of Iraqi oil. As such, it in imperative that all of us carefully read the Iraqi Parliament's bill because the Congress is on the record in promoting oil privatization.

This war is about oil.

We must not be party to the Administration's blatant attempt to set the stage for multinational oil companies to take over Iraq's oil resources.

Where can this all go? Here's Mr Y's take: "So long as the oil isn't getting pumped by anyone else, and the crude price stays over 50 bucks, its still win/win for big energy. "

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