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Look on the sunny side of life...

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday May 30, 2007 01:17 PM

From the "One Swallow DOES Make A Summer" Department, Mike Flugennock passes along this happy little item by Robert Naiman:


The progressive political world is wailing and gnashing its teeth over the failure of Congressional Democrats to stand up to President Bush on the war supplemental....

But before everybody else packs their bags and heads for the hills, consider this. Guess who voted no on the war supplemental?

Ellen Tauscher.

Why is that significant?

Because Ellen Tauscher is a Congressional Democrat who was targeted by activists for failing to vote Democratic in Congress.

In case you're still not getting it, the point is: the system worked. That is, Tauscher, who has always been an especially right-wing Democrat, is supposed to have cleaned up her act now because of an (obviously unsuccessful) primary challenge by a pwog.

Naiman cites an even burblier Nation piece by the ineffable Ari Melber:


[Tauscher] was branded a "top offender" on the website of Working For Us, a new political action committee.... founded by, among others, veteran labor strategist Steve Rosenthal, and backed by unions.... The strategy is set by two boards made up of traditional labor leaders like SEIU secretary-treasurer Anna Burger and pioneers from the Internet left like MoveOn.org heads and Markos Moulitsas, founder of the top Democratic blog Daily Kos.
I'm a happy guy now. SEIU and Kos! It doesn't get much better than that, does it?

Naiman continues:

How many more such victories do we need? ...

[T]he McGovern timetable for withdrawal bill got 171 votes in the House. 218 would be a majority, so that means we need to move 47 Members - 11% of the House - into the "firm support for a real timetable for withdrawal" camp.

[T]hreatening incumbents with primaries has been shown to be effective. This means that some folks are going to have to be willing to run for office, and some people are going to have to circulate some nominating petitions, and some people are going to have to donate some money.

Of all these things, donating money is the easiest.... Make your anger productive for humanity - and pony up.

Mike F comments:
Pony up? Huh, dude. Don't you mean "Donkey Up"?

Victory, huh? Ph'waahh ha ha ha haaah.

Comments (1)

Hi-larious! The pwoggie-bloggie's idea of "victory" has gone from low-expectations, straight on past no-expectations and right on through to retro-expectations. The only word I can think of to describe this Voltaire-style absurdity is "Koswackian."

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