You start from the presumption that the wealthy are the enemy, but the dividing lines aren't that clear. In the last election, Democrats won the majority of voters in the $100,000-$150,000 tax bracket and they won over 60 percent of those making from $150,000-$200,000.What this reveals is wonderful. The writer presumes -- and I suspect she/he is not alone -- that the usual Dem base voters are lower-income folks. The donk party is the party of the poverty pimps and union piecards.
In fact, merit class success stories with 150k-plus incomes are really the base of the Kerry/St Hill/Obama descendant of King Andy's party.
From the trial lawyers to the MD specialists to the higher-ed profs, the New Dem-ers are pimping for them, Not for the folks in the projects. Pimping for them, to the extent that anyone bothers, is for Jesse and Reverend Al, the party's rainbow caboose.