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You can't make this stuff up

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday February 6, 2007 10:26 PM

I know, it's just a silly little local story, but I can't resist:
A fine for using your iPod, cell while walking?
That's what one state politician wants

(Brooklyn - WABC, February 6, 2007) - A [Democratic] state senator from Brooklyn says he wants to make it illegal to use an iPod or cell phone or blackberry while crossing the street.... Senator Carl Kruger of Brooklyn is proposing a law that if anybody uses any kind of electronic device while crossing an intersection, they may face a fine of $100 dollars....

"iPods don't kill pedestrians. Cars and trucks kill pedestrians. So instead of blaming the victim, our elected officials should be passing tougher laws for reckless driving," said Paul Steeley White of Transportation Alternatives.

It takes a village to save people from the consequences of their own reckless walking.

Comments (1)

owen paine:

only in brooklyn

what sort of a pod
produces a carl kruger ???

fattened on boiled food
eaten by the bucket full

i bet he eats and talks at the same time
has a buick sized wife
with big swollen leg veins
and a dangerously
enlarged heart
that looks like a baboon's ass

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