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The enlightened imperialist and the smart bomber

By Michael J. Smith on Monday October 16, 2006 01:29 PM

This just in:
Billionaire Soros Gives Financial Boost to General Clark By JOSH GERSTEIN - Staff Reporter of the Sun

A billionaire investor who spent more than $25 million to defeat President Bush in 2004, George Soros, is giving a financial boost to the political fortunes of a former four-star general, Wesley Clark, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 and is poised to mount another bid in 2008.

Mr. Soros gave $75,000 in July to a political group led by General Clark, Wes-Pac, according to a report filed yesterday with the Internal Revenue Service.

It is the largest known gift from Mr. Soros this year to a political organization affiliated with a contender for the presidency in 2008.

Comments (5)


I guess I was the only person who noticed that Clark was a miserable phony whose campaign was a complete disaster? I mean, I could do that. And I could seriously use $75K.

Wow, Clark is cheap! Most politicans cost at least $100,000. Soros got a real bargain.


In 1988 the media made a big fuss about the fact that Jesse Jackson had never won an election.

In 2004, the media did not make a big fuss about the fact that Clark had never one an election.

I have no idea why they were treated differently. It obviously can't be racism or anything :)

March against war. Drool over a general. Maybe "the Left" really is "loony."


ms xeno, back in 2003, the Nation published a superb takedown of Clark and his supporters by the ever-entertaining Matt Taibi.


"But the chief crowd ritual in the Clark campaign is that of a group of hushed, groveling supplicants staring dewy-eyed at their savior Caesar. The vibe is all about ceding power, not empowerment."

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