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From the Great Beyond

By Owen Paine on Wednesday October 25, 2006 09:38 PM

You think it's easy being smarter then hell?

Well, here's what happens to smart guys -- they get accosted in the wee hours by familiar ghosts, screaming stuff like "loathing isn't enough any more!" or "wake up, straight arrow -- the last forty years of prog blither was dead wrong! all this 'please -- for your own safety -- step away from whitey's mind' was pure crap!"

That's what Hunter T's sprite tried to convince this reporter of last night, from behind the waggling barrel of a long-nosed .44 magnum -- a real, fully loaded .44 magnum, BTW, as I discovered when he let it dop to the floor and it went off, putting a round into my acrylic on velvet painting of Daffy Duck. Some kinda poltergeist, eh?

At the time, I shrugged him off with a "sure sure sure... whatever." In my book it never pays to let a geist like that know he's gettin' to ya.

But then, in full daylight, comes forth on my PC screen this Bill Fletcher dude posting up at the Black Commentator a gitty rehash of "the Number Two party is uz" line, and, moments later, still reeling, I'm reading my favorite tiny goo-goo, Bobby Reich, adjuring Nancy and her gang to be "of service to the people."

Alas, unlike Hunter, I'm not handy with a .44.


Comments (3)

J. Alva Scruggs:

You need it more than ever, JSP. Here's another evil farce.

js paine:

this is a simple registration of futility

what does it take to light the comment panels round here??

i'm postin' up tomb stones

but for the razz of scruggery ....

i need some guidance...

and btw
don't bother to say "something different and better smuck face"
that i figured out all ready

J. Alva Scruggs:

The further away you get from the idiot binaries of our national comfort-narrative discourse, the fewer correspondents and interlocutors you'll have.

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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The next post in this blog is Insufficient hysteria.

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