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Vote at your own risk

By Owen Paine on Friday September 8, 2006 02:19 PM

The recent dem senatorial caucus Liebfest proves it: the motherfuckers have as yet no fear of their base. They feel on a rise now, so base, go fuck yourselves; we want the swingers again, the geeps with heads like triangles, heads we can ring-a-ding with claptrap boohoo freak acts, lady snake charmers and goblin hobbits.

Yes, job holding America, fuck you; either vote the straight Flying Dutchman ticket, or eat your beans in two more years of Republican purgatory.

Well either way, I say no way. Neither the peace base, the Green base, the civil liberty base, the industrial job base, nor any of the the minority bases, have anything but false landing lights to follow here. Members of all these bases -- boycott the national chunk of the election this November. And if nothing really kewl is happening at the state level or below, don't even show up at all.

We need to vocalize this threat somehow -- we need to trigger a "you sold out, so we won't turn out" movement.

Comments (3)


Hey, have you seen this little piece of comedy? It's funny yet depressing on so many levels.


Er, JS, everything is happening at the state level, this fall. And remember, there might be a green candidate for Senator on the ballot, or Peace and Freedom, or Libertarian. ABD.

js paine:

i can 'if date '
the moment the dems become
the bigger evil

it'll be
when and if
they both win control of the house
and the hungry hearted hobbit
from bridgeport
el lieb
gets a "centrist win "

lets hope one of those two
don't happen

but at any rate
lesser or greater
for 08 its clear

a prez donk boycott
is the default position

only a wild bryan in '96 like
convention take over
which if its out there at all
must be
over some very tall hill indeed
only that type of crazy up side down cake candidate so strong even the greens want him or her too
only such a paragon
hope to lure any one with
even one progressive
ball or ovary
back into the two party
rat race

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