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Marty peretz, logopotamus

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday September 13, 2006 03:05 PM

Marty's blog entry today runs to almost 1900 words! A sample:
Clinton and company assumed that settling the historical and religious conflict between [the Israelis and the Palestinians] would buy peace in the entire region and in the Islamic orbit beyond. But settling this conflict would be possible only if Israel were to imperil its very life. Still, and even if it did precisely that, the wars of the Arabs and of the non-Arab Muslims, too, would not cease. They will fester and flare up, as the routine mass killings in Iraq are still with us after a thousand years.
Fester and flare up -- never use one cliche where you can squeeze in two, and if you mix a metaphor in the process, well, so much the better. And what is this "thousand years" he's talking about? The last thousand years were pretty grim in Europe, too, if memory serves.

Obviously, the guy is writing this stuff in his sleep. But even so, where does he find the time? I'm in awe.

Comments (1)

js paine:

i'll defend marty's right
to ugly phrasemake
at the doff of a hat

it reminds me
of some one i love dearly
and indulgently....
mrs paine's little boy js

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Wednesday September 13, 2006 03:05 PM.

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The next post in this blog is My man Tony....

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