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Hug me, I'm a Congressman

By Michael J. Smith on Monday September 11, 2006 10:07 AM

Here's a truly vomitous vignette:
... five years ago, members of the House and Senate, both Republican and Democrat, embraced one another in a spirit of love and camaraderie and spontaneously burst into patriotic singing on the steps of the Capitol, which had avoided a direct hit earlier in the day due to the bravery of passengers aboard flight 93.
I'll bet they did. After all, a bunch of other, innocent people just paid the price for Congress' crimes, while the criminals escaped with their skins intact.

It gets worse:

Today, there will be a re-enactment of that moment.... Participants will include House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).
I recall being told, when I was a kid growing up down South, that the way water moccasins mate is to gather by the dozens or hundreds, clump up into a big ball of slithery, slimy venomousness, and float around in the river. Woe betide the unwary water skier who encounters such an act of congress.

I have no idea whether this is true as a matter of natural history. But it was the image that came to mind as I contemplated the thought of Pelosi, Reid, Hastert, Frist, and all the other reptiles intertwining, and baring their fangs, and exchanging slime during this loathesome "re-enactment" of a particularly mawkish moment in the lengthy annals of 9/11 kitsch.

Comments (4)

js paine:

perfect image

maudlin moccasins
worthy of milton

Ugh! There goes lunch.

J. Alva Scruggs:

. . . what was really observed was simply a mass of watersnakes in a last-standing pool of a dried up creek preying upon the last surviving fish.

Still works.

js paine:

scruggs always
gotta go green on us

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