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He who lies down with dogs...

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday August 10, 2006 07:31 AM

Big-boned, big-jawed, big-footed, Adam's-appled emblem of famine Ann Coulter writes amusingly:
If those rumors I've been hearing about a Hezbollah/Hamas/DNC merger are true, we might be in for a slightly longer fight.
I certainly hope there's no truth in this. I have the greatest respect for Hamas and Hezbollah, and I'd hate to see them get mixed up with a disreputable outfit like the DNC.

Comments (2)

Tim D:

True. Hamas and Hezbollah actually fight for the rights and dignity of their constituencies.

The DNC is kind of like Arafat mid-90s - only concerned with maintaining power and control over his base...

If those rumors I've been hearing about a Hezbollah/Hamas/DNC merger are true, we might be in for a slightly longer fight.

Actually the fact that Coulter can even imagine radical Shiites, Sunni theocrats and the secular center left at the Daily Kos united against her really is a testement to how fucked America is.

What she's expressing in distorted terms is the fact that the United States is now a rogue state. Everybody, the secular west outside of the extreme right in the USA and a billion Muslims, hate our guts.

Maybe I won't renew my passport........

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