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Beauty and the beast

By Michael J. Smith on Monday July 17, 2006 11:55 AM

Belle of the liberal ball Barbara Boxer has apparently suggested, on CNN, that war criminal Madeleine Albright ought to be sent as a special envoy to the Middle East. I would agree, with the proviso that Albright must parachute into South Lebanon and make her way on foot to Jerusalem. -- Well, okay, she can hitchike, if anybody will give her a lift. I know I wouldn't.

I can't seem to find a direct link to the Boxer-Albright story, but Googling around I did come up with this forgotten gem, from the year 2000. Boxer is on the Larry King show, being asked about the choice of Joe Lieberman for the vice spot on Gore's ticket. Here's what she had to say:

I was surprised, and I might say happily surprised. I think not only was this a bold choice, because when you bring down barriers, you have to be bold. So thank you, Al Gore, for being bold.

But also I think it's a winning choice. He's gone to the mainstream of our party. I think he's gotten a wonderful running mate.

Chuckie Schumer and the animatronic mummy of George McGovern were on the same show, and both praised Gore's world-historically bonehead choice in similar terms. Never say the Democrats can't agree on a message.

Comments (3)


Very funny comment on Albright, and I agree. I recall she had some personal grudge to settle about Yugoslavia, but still, she was supposed to be Secretary of STATE!
When I showed my partner the picture of Barbara she said "that's not Boxer, that's Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie."
Incidentally, Boxer spoke to a small group in Marin I was part of last year. Someone asked her what media she read (hoping she might mention something like Common Dreams, or The Nation). She hesitated and then said, well, I read the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and, uhh, whenever I can, the IJ (our local totally business oriented newspaper.) Evidently, she doesnt go online, or read much of anything. I suppose this is typical for all congress people.

Does Boxer suddenly have a yen for us to start bombing South Lebanon? Why else would anyone want to send Madeleine
“What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about, if we can’t use it?” Albright?

Well, I guess if they don't read anything online that would explain why they didn't hear any of the innumerable flaws in the 'evidence' provided by Bush to support the invasion-although he would've invaded Iraq anyways.

By the way, if Madeleine Albright gets paradropped into Lebanon, she should have a sign attached to her saying "I think that killing Iraqi children with sanctions was worth it."

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