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Two-thirds empty, or one-third full?

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday June 3, 2006 09:54 PM

The thing is, writing about Kos stuff is so easy. Here's another indignant Munchkin, and "timber" is her name-o:
I am tired of painting the netroots as extreame[sic] left wing liberal as if they are member of A.N.S.W.E.R., pacifist hippies, anarchists, socialist or communists. This has got to stop. Thus this poll to find out what kind of liberals are we.
There's something Gilbert and Sullivan about that last line --
What kind of liberals are we --
What do we think of Hil-la-ree...
... but stop me before I rhyme again. Anyway. our angry Munchkin -- suffering from steroid rage, perhaps, like Alan's muscular-liberal rodent -- put up a poll:
What kind of Liberal are you?

  • I belong to A.N.S.W.E.R
  • 0%
  • I am the 60's hippie type pictured in Forest Gump
  • 1%
  • I am an anarchist
  • 7%
  • I am a socialist/communist
  • 20%
  • I am a pacifist and dont believe in war for any reason
  • 3%
  • I am mainstream and the majority who just spoke out early on about Bush wrong policies.
  • 60%
  • I am a pro-life Democrat but not a one issue voter
  • 7%
    I happened to notice another poll, by a Munchkin with the ominous name of "ladufarge", a few days earlier:
    If Hillary is the Democratic Presidential nominee in '08, I will:

  • Happily vote for her
  • 5%
  • Reluctantly vote for her
  • 57%
  • Vote for a third party candidate
  • 31%
  • Stay home on Election Day
  • 5%
    Now these are small numbers, and maybe winnowing Kosniks is an unproductive way to spend one's time anyhow. But with my characteristic cockeyed optimism, I was rather heartened by these numbers. Right here in Daily Kos, the Mordor of lesserrevillism, more than a third of the (admittedly scanty) respondents said they would either vote for a third party or stay home in '08 rather than vote for Hillary Clinton. And on "timber's" poll, almost a third 'fessed up to being one of the frowned-on groups -- pacifist, anarchist, communist/socialist, or "hippie." It's like a third of the Orcs admitting that really, they'd rather be elves.

    Or even dwarves.

    Comments (3)


    i'm a dwarf
    smiff is an elf

    Given that the first poll is so desperately slanted towards making the DLC rethuglican-lite answers seem like a reasonable option, it's surprising over 30% chose the negatively slanted options.

    The results of the second poll, however, look more like th polls I've been seeing. Most people, even Kosnikis, are becoming fed up with having two republican parties.

    I get the feeling that somehow one's very reluctance in voting for HRC is supposed to be a mark of virtue. Yet none of these clowns would give the average Bush voter any moral credit if said voter explained that their vote for Bush was "reluctant." I think that says it all. I also become more firm every day in my conviction that even not voting at all is a step up from a reluctant vote for murdering, pandering, soulless weasels in either party.

    And I don't even have words to describe how sad that is.

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