« The mailbag, 15 June 2006 | Main | Instability: Bring it on »

Helm a-lee

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday June 15, 2006 12:54 PM

Tim D writes:
[Hillary] may very well have to begin retooling her position on the war soon if she wants to prevent her sheep from straying from the flock. According to one of Howie Hawkins' press releases:
A Zogby poll earlier this week found that 32% of New Yorkers would vote for an "unnamed anti-war candidate" vs. 38% for Clinton and 31% for other and undecided (a percentage that is close to the hard core Republican vote).

The task now for the Green Party and the wider antiwar movement is to attach a name, Howie Hawkins, to the "unnamed anti-war candidate" who already has about one-third support and to inform New Yorkers that the anti-war candidate is within striking distance of winning.

Here's to hoping!

Comments (14)


this post puts me in mind of
new york state's
wild multi ballot line system

an artifact of the new deal era
in particular
the .....
'working families 'party

one of
the more recent
in a long serious
of honey trap ballot lines
set by machine donkery
to capture
anti machine donkery

in this profound instance
that one lady machine
st hill of rodham square

her the hawk ette queen
getting the endorsement
of a "party"
on record as anti iraq war

now that's fusioneering
at its damnedest

JSP, funny. Your posting style (with multiple line breaks) is exactly the same as one of the worst, redbaiting, pro-Israel, fanatical "don't criticize the democrats" posters on Atrios.

I thought you were him for a second until I read this.

one of
the more recent
in a long serious
of honey trap ballot lines
set by machine donkery
to capture
anti machine donkery

Speaking of anti-war candidates, I've heard some not so great things about Jonathan Tasini's tenure at the writers guild.

And I know nothing about Ned Lamont (although it looks as if he's competative).

But my gut feeling?

The Democrats don't take either house of congress in 2006 but Lamont knocks out Lieberman.

The prog/dem blogs than say "hey you purists, so we didn't win congress. But we took out Lieberman. Give us another chance. We can do it in 2008".



"The Democrats don't take either house of congress in 2006 but Lamont knocks out Lieberman "

the best of all possible worlds


JSP -- "Best of all worlds?" Me, I'm rooting for Lieberman. Think what a discredit he is to the Party. The best recruiter us disaffecteds could possibly have.

JSP -- "Best of all worlds?" Me, I'm rooting for Lieberman. Think what a discredit he is to the Party. The best recruiter us disaffecteds could possibly have.

I'm not sure why people specifically target Lieberman when Biden, Hillary, Reid, and Obama are almost as bad.

Maybe it's that whiny dopey, bassett hound face......

But I always thought it was because he attacked Clinton and that made him persona non grata among progressive democrats.

Yeah, I never understood why the same liberals who condemn Lieberman turn around and support Kerry, Gore, Clinton, and the rest of the sorry bunch. It is pretty funny that he has become the scapegoat, when in reality he represents something not far from the mainstream of modern Democratic Party thinking.

js paine:

joe suffers as the IT boy
in the school yard

a judas goat..

Given the current vogue on SMBIVA for sports talk, I was going to dub Holy Joe the sacrifice hitter. You know, the guy who gets thrown out at first base but creates enough distraction for the other runners to advance. Etc.

However, given the gullibility of the average diehard liberal Democrat, a real sacrifice play isn't necessary. All they have to do is *almost* get rid of him, and everyone will go home satisfied. Yawn. (The "winning is everything" rule having been momentarily suspended for the sake of everyone's ego.)

It really does disgust me how little coverage out there is going toward candidates like Hawkins. Blogs are touted as some kind of thumb in the eye to mainstream media, and here they are happily/spitefully enforcing the blackout against legitimate candidates just as any corporate newsservice would. Hell, for all I know, the Post or Newdsay might be giving Hawkins more positive coverage than any liberal blog does. That wouldn't surprise me either. (Then I suppose the liberals would wail that they only do it to undermine poor, poor Hilary, those fiends.)

If anything stands as proof that most liberal blogs, not just the biggies like Kos, care about a party more than they care about issues, the blackout against Greens certainly does. >:


But ms_xeno, the Green Party and Ralph Nader are solely responsible for the entire Bush regime!!! they're EVIL!!!!! Don't you understand???? If it wasn't for them, we'd be frolicking in the earthly paradise under the kindly President Gore!!!!

However, given the gullibility of the average diehard liberal Democrat, a real sacrifice play isn't necessary. All they have to do is *almost* get rid of him, and everyone will go home satisfied. Yawn. (The "winning is everything" rule having been momentarily suspended for the sake of everyone's ego.)


Democrats have the losers attitude, almost winning is winning.

You learn this when you go to a university like Rutgers.

OK, the football team lost 178 - 3 to the University of Miami but YES. WE GOT A FIELD GOAL!!!

Bwa! :-) You wouldn't believe how often I run across that on faux-liberal blogs, Djur. Usually it goes something like this:


Yeah! If Gore was president, money and candy would rain down from the sky while happy frou-frou elves go door-to-door delivering free Ben & Jerry's and trees would sprout ipods and Tommy brand jeans and fruit snacks! Palistinians and Israelis would lay down their arms and start forming ultra-cool ska bands!

Then Al would raise John Lennon and George Harrison from the dead, re-unite The Beatles and they'd all go on a world tour together performing all new songs John wrote while he was dead. And we'd all get free tickets and there'd be complimentary champagne and Doritos and...and...fruit snacks and stuff!

Cars would run on grass clippings and get 6,000 miles to the Hefty Super-Strong Lawn & Garden bag! MTV would start running music videos again! The Giants would win the pennant! Acne, hives and the heartbreak of psorisis would all be things of the past, if only Al Gore had been elected.

But noooooo! Thanks to that evil bastard Ralph Nader, terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon! Then he started the war in Iraq and sent his evil 3rd party minions to murder babies in the streets of Bagdad! And he stole all of John Kerry's votes and hid them deep beneath the ocean in his super-secret underwater lair! It's all true! I read it on the Daily Kos!

Not only that, but I found out that Ralph Nader is an...an arab! It's true! And Nader makes TV stations broadcast crappy reality shows! And he makes me wear a seatbelt and brush my teeth and take out the garbage in Hefty Super-Duper Strong Kitchen bags!

And that's why I vote democrat!

Sorry. I don't frolic. Not manly enough. Gotta' impress those War Dems with my latent Iron Ladyism/Machismo. WWCIID. What Would Clinton the Second Do ?

js paine:

alan s
where do you get the energy to write like that about that ...here

btw smarty pants

my car does run on grass clippings
and and i seen ralph's lair
and the stolen ballots too
its really keen
you're not allowed ...

Ralph's a Yankee fan, too. Oh, the horror, the horror...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Thursday June 15, 2006 12:54 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Instability: Bring it on.

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