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Too much peace in the peace movement

By Owen Paine on Tuesday May 2, 2006 12:59 PM

Nice piece at Counterpunch by Mike Donnelly. His message : let's purge the peacenik hacks still leading our biggest anti-Iraq war outfits. Are they not our Rumsfields and Brownies?

Check out the latest dove flutter last weekend, and contrast it to yesterday's Stage Two of what's becoming a vertitable nationwide Chicano uprising.

Ought we not hunt out these rubbery top-line folks, and skin 'em? Let's forget regrinding another pound of Rummy's insolent ass -- where's the chorus of high-profile Left tribunes baying for these rollover pelts?

Comments (1)

Well, give the Portland Peaceful Response Coalition some credit. They did have an organized presence at the march yesterday. For what that's worth given that they were wedded to Kerry like drool on a tie in 2004, and don't show any palpable signs of repentence. However, even said presence was more than my old cohorts at AFSCME or any of the current pwogs running for office managed. Fuckin' chickenshits...

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