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The next big thing, we hope

By Owen Paine on Wednesday May 17, 2006 11:43 AM

Here's an old split -- liberal Democrats and union Democrats. Note I didn't say "labor Democrats" -- "union" is the important word.

Now both of these pieces of donkery have fouled the people's nest, and neither has any appeal for a broad public. So what's to be done? Nothing will happen inside either moiety of the party without a serious outside challenge -- so first on the order of battle must be a huge mass movement.

Well, it's there -- it's called the job site rebellion. The Latino immigrant community fired the first shot on May Day. I nominate this radical job rights movement as the basis for a serious, plate-shifting, third-party come-together. Talk about a broad constituency -- from the Ecuadorian immigrant getting shat on 'cause he's illegal, to the Seattle anglo mom who can't get flex hours plus day care to fit.

A jobster party -- a populist party for globalized America -- that would tear up the pea patch a bit, dontcha think?

Comments (2)

Already working with the Somali community here on something similar. Not exactly a 3rd party. More like a voting bloc.

js paine:

alan S
your drollery some times exceeds my expectations

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