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The ministry of fear

By Owen Paine on Wednesday May 24, 2006 04:01 PM

I came up with this on my own -- no help from Hunter's ghost needed:

The problem the donkista head of Orthrus has with us -- "the great middle left" -- is really quite simple: we lefty types aren't paranoid enough.

The Donks need to convince us the Repubs of the Cheney kind are set to criminalize dissent, yes dissent -- any kind of dissent will be equated with terrorism: green dissent, sex habit dissent, immigrant dissent, race dissent, recreational substance dissent, porno dissent.... These will all be tied in by phone and e-mail to terror cells.

The NSA is data mining for... us, all of us. So we need the Donks to win before we're all hauled off by executive order to pre-emptive detention centers.

It's fear that keeps the libs in the tent -- and so, as a corollary, the Donks need the Republicans to be as fearsome as possible.

Comments (2)

J. Alva Scruggs:

Those nasty Republicans might put dissenters into free speech zones.

Good cop/bad cop ? Hunter, I had that one sussed years ago. ;)

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