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Impeach cobbler

By Owen Paine on Wednesday May 31, 2006 04:40 PM

A coward and a softy Rahmbo ain't -- so why hasn't he called for impeachment, since the people's will is drifting that way?

Simple: he figures it gains no votes he can't already count on, and it all might backfire and energize now drowsy yokel elements of the 'Pubs faith-and-security base.

Mark my words, all you lovers of political theater -- there will be an impeachment move after the fall biennial classic. So possess your souls in patience, and focus your guns meanwhile on something important -- like the Iraq-Afghan quag.

Comments (2)


Another test comment


Rahm is a garden variety bully. A temper tantrum throwing little troll who can be shut down with a hard stare. Hell, if Howard Dean can handle the little Chicago weasel, my nine year old neice can. Rahm's a preening little...


Did you just predict that the donkey's are gonna impeach the Chimperor? Hang on. Let me check which planet I'm on...


Yep. Still Earth. You must be writing about some other democrats, J.S. German democrats maybe?

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