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So near, and yet... not so near

By Michael J. Smith on Friday April 14, 2006 01:53 AM

Responding to our appeal for material, Tim D has passed along this marvel:
Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson is actively seeking to break away from the Democrats and support an independent candidate in future elections.

"It's time to think about an independent candidacy," he told an editorial meeting at the New York-based Nation. "The present arrangement is not working."

So why is my heart not leaping within me? Is this not what I've been wanting for... oh, decades now?

I think the problem is Jesse Jackson. Somehow I find it difficult to imagine the Great Apologizer really breaking ranks and doing anything interesting. No, I fear that the Rev. is indulging in what we used to call, on the South Side of Chicago, "selling wolf tickets." He's blustering, scowling, uttering dark threats that he can't and won't back up, threats that he really doesn't expect anybody to take seriously -- but hey, you never know. There's no downside, and what the hell, something might shake loose -- a job for a crony, maybe, and at the very least, a little ink for an old palooka who once upon a time coulda been a contender.

Comments (3)


in same
notice jesse is quoted as saying

"What difference does it make if you have one party with two names ... "

a conclusion he might
have found more use-full to both us and himself
after '84

then again i guess unlike now
he wasn't knocked up back then

so lets take heart
at long last like sarah he's with child

and he finds
"there's a certain pregnant moment here for reviewing our plan .."

question one forthe great common grounder

immigration mr jessewhat say u to those in the hood who scorn it
and would have the state strike its heel

It's nice that he managed to get in a swipe at Nader, and compare himself favorably with Perot. What is his point, exactly ? He doesn't want to be a "nuisance" candidate. O-kay. Yet only the hopelessly denial-ridden at this point would deny that Perot did for Bush I much what Nader is so often acused of doing for Gore. Plus, he doesn't seem to notice that striving for a large enough "nuisance" vote, as Nader once tried to do, might well be all he needs to jump-start a new drive for a new party.

I don't get it.


He does want to be compared with Perot, who was good for the Democrats, and he doesn't want to be compared with Nader, who was bad for the Democrats, because... he's a Democrat. Nothing you could really call thinking is going on in the man's head. He's like some kind of exotic subatomic particle -- no mass, no charge, all spin.

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