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Secure security and the securing securers who secure it

By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 29, 2006 04:26 PM

Here's a garbled leak of the donks' security counter-plan, both in national and homeland flavors: http://www.rawprint.com/pdfs/RealSecurity.pdf.

The gist ?

We -- the donks, that is -- will run the empire better in five ways:

  1. Our Rome will honor its legions with parades and treasure -- in fact our Rome will build more legions, and better breastplates and longer spears and sharper swords and ...
  2. Our Rome will keep us secure by (among much else) checking every incoming galley for incendiary contraband.
  3. Our Rome will stop relying on levantine wheat and oils by growing more homey cereals and fibers.
  4. Our Rome will clean up the Mesopotamian mess ASAP, if not even sooner. Check with us in 12 months... You'll see. By then our legions will be on their way home... as opportunity allows... unless something happens....
Summing up: our Rome will root out the root problems by diligent real root removal, right at the roots themselves over there where the roots of the roots are.

Postscript: This half-risible, half-sinister document was of course greeted like the Second Coming on Daily Kos

Comments (1)

The donk's latest security plan has all the genuine authenticity of LA mayor Villaraigosa's annointment of April 4th as "Crash" day. (Which just *happens* to coincide with the release of the "Crash" director's cut on DVD.

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