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Maybe they really are stupid... naah.

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday March 14, 2006 04:17 PM

Thus Cenk Uygur:
I'm trying my best to not disparage the Democrats, since they're our only hope left.

I don't want to perpetuate the image of them as soft, feckless and spineless. I am worried to death that will turn off some voters and have them vote for Republicans who are driving this country over a cliff instead. But the Democrats sometimes make it impossible to not criticize them.

Senator Russ Feingold wants to introduce a resolution to censure the President for breaking the FISA statue.... But... the Democrats refuse to be outcowarded. In the face of overwhelming facts -- on their side for the love of God -- they will not back their fellow Senator in pressing forward with a censure....

Why oh why, would the opposition party not support this move to censure -- because they are worried about the effect it is going to have on centrist voters? Are you fucking nuts? George Bush is at 36%!!!!!!!! America can't stand him. They think he is incompetent, that he has blown Iraq and Katrina and Social Security and the budget and the economy. And you're worried that you are going to alienate centrist voters by coming out against him?

I hate to say it, but this actually seems like a good question. I don't usually give much credence to the idea that Democrats are unsatisfactory because they're stupid, or cowardly -- I tend to think, rather, that they're functioning very much according to spec. But I have to admit this is a little baffling. They do, at least, crave some degree of electoral success, do they not? Surely they don't believe they'd be imperilling that by supporting Feingold's resolution?

Maybe it's just because it's Feingold -- gotta keep him boxed up? Theories, anybody? I'm usually not short of theories, but this one finds me at a loss.

Comments (17)

J. Alva Scruggs:

He's cutting off internal and "grass roots" opposition at the knees with a doomed, demoralizing gesture. Beautiful losing works very well for that and the generals' worst enemies are the privates. Sometimes rebellious noises are best solved by marching everyone into a defeat.


JAS -- Do I read you right -- you think Feingold is following the script too, reading the "beautiful loser" part?

The element that puzzles me, or at least seems to call for a structural explanation, is why the Republicans can be so ferocious in advancing their factional interests, but the Dems won't. The Repubs impeached that pore ole horndog Clinton over a pair of thong underpants, but the Dems won't even try to censure Bush. I'm sure this isn't inexplicable, but I don't have an explanation ready to hand.

And yet... in great numbers, these gestures would become more than gestures. They'd be actual policy. Plus, the officers would be demonstrating good faith by putting their own butts on the line, not just those of the ground forces.

I don't really understand the deal with Feingold. Perhaps studying his long-term record would be helpful, but I don't want to risk depressing myself past the point of no return. Perhaps these isolated, always too-late gestures are supposed to buy their lone-wolf marketers enough cred to lessen the sting of whatever future betrayal they have waiting in the wings. That was the theory of a Dissident Voice writer (sorry, can't recall which one) who said something along the lines of, "Dems like Feingold have to sell out, but they take turns doing it so it looks random."

J. Alva Scruggs:

MJS, I think the Dems are planning to beautiful lose until the country is exhausted enough to elect Hillary. It's the same game plan that worked for them with Zombie Reagan and Papa Doc Bush.


JAS -- A depressingly plausible scenario.

It really looks like the game plan for '06 is "don't do anything -- that would be dangerous -- let Bush drop the prize in our lap."

Same plan as '04 then? Geez, it's getting waaaay too easy to predict the DLC's electoral strategy.



Same plan as '04 then?
It doesn't seem like quite the same plan. In '04 the strategy seemed be be, we're just the same as the Republicans, only we windsurf. The strategy for '06 seems to be, We're not Republicans, so it doesn't matter how pathetic we are in any other respect.

Ah! A fine distinction I missed this time around. Thanks for the clarification, MJS.

Yes, the "We're not exactly Republicans." strategy is sure to work. Can't miss! Best idea since "Battlefield Earth."


The Democrats are wisely letting the Republicans carry the can (and the consequences) of the decisions they have shoved down everyone's throat. If Democratic office-holders made a big noisy stink now, we would be blamed for the mess because of "undermining" the republicans oh-so-sensible efforts. Democrats remaining quiet allows the Republican nonsense to stand or fail on its own. Obviously it's a dismal failure and the voters have nothing to blame but the Republicans and their dumb ideass.

Democrats need to stay quiet and get their act quietly together and then present an attractive future for America when we abandon the Republican nightmare. Patience folks.

[bangs head on keyboard.]

"Vote Democrat. We Didn't Do It. We Have Witnesses."

Hmmm... nah...

"Vote Democrat. We Swear That The 3rd Time's The Charm And That Somehow Your Vote Won't Get Stolen This Time."

No, not quite.

"Vote Democrat. We Are The Attractive Option. We Promise To Stand On Your Neck Wearing Espadrilles As Opposed To Wearing Those Big Jackboots Like Those Red Meanies Do When They Pick On You."

Damn. I'm just not quite there yet. I need coffee.

"Vote Democrat. We Were Too Venal And Inept To Oppose The Pachyderms But We Worked Hard To Strangle All The 3rd Parties In Their Cribs So You Might As Well."

(Sigh.) Can I get some other ideas here, Brothers ? Somehow it's just not jelling. You know what I mean ?

J. Alva Scruggs:

Rhonda, have you read anything here at all? Your comment has the virtue of admonishing people who are allergic to penicillin to just try a little harder and take their pills with a nice piece of toast. To call it condescending and fatuous would be a disservice to smug fools.

j s paine:

"I'm trying my best to not disparage the Democrats, since they're our only hope left"

"only hope left" ????

what in hell does that mean ??

buying into
the binary harness

if so
don't choice
always mean
the other is the only

so using "only "
(let alone "hope")
in this context
strikes me
as a touch
melodramatic eh ???


Actually, I was glad to see Rhonda's comment here. It is precisely the line we're arguing against, but stated very clearly and concisely. I hope Rhonda keeps reading and arguing, though I have a feeling that maybe the only post she read was the one that started this thread -- and that, seen in isolation, might have easy to misread.

j s paine:

"Sometimes rebellious noises are best solved by marching everyone into a defeat"

nice line ja

too bad politicos don't
get killed
in losing battles

Heh. JSP, there's an alt-country band called Blanche that has a song called "The Hopeless Waltz." One of the snippets is as follows:

"Like a slot machine
Hope lets you win
But just enough money
To keep you
Comin' back again
But it don't take money
Hope's crueler than that
It robs your spirit
And gives nothin' back.

"When you're sadder than sad
That's when hope drives you mad.
When nothing feels true
Hope preys on you..."


I've got a couple of ideas, one of which isn't original. Here's one I've heard a lot before:

"It's the party stupid!"

(A slight reversal of words can create a true statement out of that one.)

"We shall have a plan. Someday."

"This time we won't be totally useless."

:D Don't forget the emphasis on "totally."

DBH, your board looks good. I'll be checking it out more later when I have more time.

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