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MoveOn eats locoweed!

By Owen Paine on Wednesday February 15, 2006 05:50 PM

Just got my latest MoveOn-o-gram:
Dear MoveOn member:

This year our top goal is breaking the right-wing Republican stranglehold on Congress....

Same old same old. But! On the blue dog issue, this:
It is also part of our work together to hold Democrats to their Party's highest values on issues like foreign policy, economic prosperity and good government.

That sometimes means grappling with specific right-wing Democrats who consistently side with big corporations and right-wing Republicans.

One approach is to support progressive primary challengers to right-wing Democrats...

One approach that's guaranteed to do nothing, that is. It gets better:
...conservative Democrats we would challenge represent states or districts that are heavily Democratic -- so we're not imperiling a Democratic majority by doing this...
Call it smart-bombing the party right.

And who is their named name, for instance? None other than poor Hank Cuellar -- and not a Tom Lantos or Jane Harman or anybody of consequence.

We immediately MoveOn to the unavoidable conflation of a Democratic majority with a "progressive" majority. Watch the shells:

A Democratic majority will be a big step towards progressive reform... a progressive majority that will work towards bold reforms.

Given that this is MoveOn, the timid lameness of the whole thing comes as no surprise. The surprise is that MoveOn has obviously been frightened by discontent in the ranks, or they wouldn't have stuck their necks out even this far. Now that is encouraging.

Comments (1)

Whatever. Will they agrees not to donate to every Democratic senate candidate in '06?

In 2004 they donated to almost every Senate Democrat despite that candidates level of progressiveness.

Their goal is to elect a Democratic majority (or whatever).

Just an illusion.

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