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A new Green party...

By Owen Paine on Sunday February 26, 2006 09:47 PM

...Greenspan that is. Thus the Wall Street Journal:
Freed of the constraints of public office, Alan Greenspan has expanded from commenting on the economy to commenting on politics.

Speaking to a Wall Street gathering Wednesday the former Federal Reserve chairman decried the "polarization" of American politics and said the ground was ripe for a third party presidential candidate....

The two American parties now [are] controlled by their extreme wings, even though the voting public is far more centrist... the leadership of the parties [is] "bimodal" ... clustered at the extreme ideological ends, whereas the voting public [is] "monomodal" ... clustered near the middle, which creates "... an opening for a third-party candidate who appeals to the center."

Greenie's hope:
"prompt the candidates of the other two parties to move back to the center."
What's his game here, do you think?

Comments (2)

J. Alva Scruggs:

I think he's pushing for a nice "moderate" like John McCain, who will save the public's trust in apple pie, or whatever. He's about the crookedest, battiest fabulist ever to come out Ayn Rand's stable, but he does have an eye on the chance of furthering oligarchic capitalism smoothly.


[snort] Don't all mainstream economic lions get their political views straight from a bowl of Rice Krispies ? (c)

Where the hell is Arundhati Roy when you need her ?

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