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A walk on the tame side

By Owen Paine on Sunday January 22, 2006 06:00 PM

Brother Smith's newfound nonpersonhood at Daily Kos sent me over there in a fit of idle curiosity. Found this gem -- it helps isolate the class hate, and fear, behind your usual run-of-the-jungle cultural progressive and fiscally, um, meritworthy types -- i.e. your effing wax-winged liberal scumsucker:
"The modern GOP is a precarious alliance between moderate, sane, conservatives, corporate interests understandably focused on short term profits, and a fundamentalist mob whose social policies poll anywhere between unpopular to repugnant among the majority of Americans.

The moderates are the official face set forth in PR efforts, the corporate interests drive the money, and like in any feudal system, the cultish masses provide the votes and do the grassroots work. But there's a glaring weakness: Expose that extremist base for what it is, flip that rock over to illuminate the ugly squatting trolls hiding underneath, and it's game over folks."

Notice the tipoff class qualifiers: "understandable" "corporate" types and "repugnant, fundamentalist" elements of.. the "mob"! And our poster doesn't mean the Mafia, you know. He has some dim memory of reading a page or two of Burke in college, and he's striking a little snuff-snuffing Augustan pose here.

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